A Message from our founder


One cat is good | Two cats are better

In a moment, I’m going to ask you to join me to help save nearly every cat from euthanasia. But first, I hope you’ll give me a chance to explain why your support — especially today — is so important.

Today, I have a fire in my heart, fueled by the plight of our beloved four-legged companions—the cats. These enchanting creatures, with their mysterious eyes and soft purrs, have woven themselves into the very fabric of our lives. Yet, despite their charm and resilience, they face a crisis—one that demands our collective action.

Imagine this: A cozy shelter, filled with hopeful whiskers and twitching tails. Each cat, a unique soul yearning for love, companionship, and a warm spot by the window. But alas, the shelter walls close in, and time ticks mercilessly. Over 600,000 of these innocent beings—our feline friends—face a grim fate. Euthanized. The word itself sends shivers down my spine. It’s a word that should not exist in a world where compassion and empathy thrive.

But here’s the truth: These cats, these beautiful souls, could be pets. They could be curled up on our laps, chasing sunbeams, and nuzzling our hearts. With the right programs, the right resources, and a dash of unwavering commitment, we can transform their destinies. We can turn euthanasia into adoption, despair into hope, and overcrowded shelters into havens of love.

So, what’s the solution? It’s time for us to step up, to raise our voices, and to rally behind a cause that transcends mere statistics. Let me introduce you to GetPairedUp—a movement that celebrates the magic of pairs. 🐾

GetPairedUp is not just about adopting one cat; it’s about doubling the joy, multiplying the love, and saving lives. Here’s how you can be part of this revolution:

  1. First-Time Adopters: If you’re welcoming a cat into your home for the first time, consider this: Why stop at one? Two cats mean twice the cuddles, twice the playfulness, and twice the purring symphony. Imagine the harmony of two little souls weaving their stories together—a duet of whiskers and tails.

  2. Current Cat Parents: You already know the magic of feline companionship. Now, take it a step further. When your single cat gazes out the window, longing for a fellow adventurer, consider adopting a second. Trust me, your heart will expand, and your home will resonate with newfound joy.

  3. Brands and Companies: Listen closely, corporate giants. You create cat toys, cozy beds, and nutritious treats. But your impact can extend beyond profit margins. Join hands with GetPairedUp. Encourage your customers to adopt in pairs. Imagine the ripple effect—a billion-dollar industry channeling its might toward saving lives. It’s not just good business; it’s good karma.

  4. Spread the Word: Share this message far and wide. Let it echo through social media, boardrooms, and cozy living rooms. Use your voice to ignite change. Use your influence to turn statistics into stories.

Together, we can:

  • Double the Joy: Two cats mean twice the laughter, twice the antics, and twice the love.

  • Halve the Euthanasia Rate: Imagine a world where no cat faces that dreaded needle. It’s within our grasp.

  • Multiply Compassion: Let’s redefine what it means to be a cat lover. It’s not just about owning; it’s about caring, advocating, and embracing.

And let’s not forget: Our social media feeds light up with cat videos, memes, and heartwarming tales. These whiskered wonders bring us laughter, solace, and a sense of belonging. They remind us that love transcends species, that a simple purr can heal a wounded heart, and that a playful swat can chase away our worries.

So, my friends, let’s make a pact. When you see a single cat, think of the one waiting in the shadows. When you hear a meow, imagine the harmony of two. Let’s turn shelters into sanctuaries, and statistics into success stories.

GetPairedUp—because love multiplies, and every life counts. 🐾❤️